W: 450 - 500. Farina tipo '00' ottenuta da grani italiani, europei e nordamericani selezionati, per impasti a lavorazione indiretta o a lunga lievitazione. Ideale per aumentare il tenore proteico e migliorare la maglia glutinica dei lievitati. Consigliata per la preparazione di Panettoni, Pandori, Colombe Pasquali di alta qualità.
Kichererbsen sind Kichererbsen oder Haarerbsen, es stammt aus einer Gruppe von Hülsenfrüchten. Kichererbsen sind eine hervorragende Proteinquelle und notwendige Aminosäuren, daher kann sie Fleisch ersetzen. Es ist eine Quelle komplexer Kohlenhydrate, Faser. Kichererbsen verleihen dem Körper verschiedene Vitamine und Mineralien, einschließlich signifikanter Mengen an Phosphor, Vitamin B9, Eisen, Zink, Magnesium und Kalium. Es enthält auch ungesättigte Fettsäuren. Der Cutter hat kalorienarm und einen niedrigen glykämischen Index, und die Faser, die er enthält, hilft, den Grad der Triglyceride und "schlechtes" Cholesterinspiegel zu verringern. Die Kichererbsen wird von Veganern und Allergie -Leiden besonders geschätzt. Kichererbsenmehlformen aus den Hülsenfrüchten und somit ist dieses Mehl durch einen einzigartigen Proteingehalt gekennzeichnet, während der Geschmack dem Geschmack von Umami ähnelt. Der glykämische Index dieses Mehls beträgt fast halb so viel wie Weizenmopfen und nur 35.
Sweet lupin flour is ideal as an alternative to ordinary flour, as an ingredient in the production of bread, cookies, pasta or pancakes. It shows emulsifying properties, binds water and increase the freshness of products. In addition to other types of flour, it increases the nutritional value of the products to which it is added.
Additional benefits of consuming lupine flour:
•has a positive effect on the regulation of cholesterol and blood pressure
•has a very low glycemic index Gl15 and helps reduce blood glucose levels1
•is one of the best sources of arginine - an amino acid that has a positive
effect on blood vessel efficiency
•is a good source of folic acid
Alder wood produces a neutral, balanced smoke that has long been a sportsman’s favorite for smoking salmon, trout, seafood and really any type of other meats. Because of the neutral characteristics of alder, it is works wonderfully when blended with other wood species, especially fruit wood. When using alder with meats such as steak, ribs and briskets, try mixing alder with our fruit wood species like apple and cherry for a delectable taste you’re sure to love.
All of our wood chips are thoroughly dried and has all bitter tree bark removed to ensure you’re getting maximum smoke of 100% all-natural wood. The wood chips are precision ground for an even, consistent burn. All bags are 1.75 LB bags (794 g), 242 cu.in., 3.96 L in size.
Erlenholz erzeugt einen neutralen, ausgewogenen Rauch, der seit langem bei Sportlern zum Räuchern von Lachs, Forelle, Meeresfrüchten und eigentlich allen anderen Fleischsorten beliebt ist. Aufgrund der neutralen Eigenschaften von Erle lässt es sich hervorragend mit anderen Holzarten, insbesondere Obstholz, kombinieren. Wenn Sie Erle zu Fleisch wie Steak, Rippchen und Rinderbrust verwenden, mischen Sie Erle mit unseren Obstholzarten wie Apfel und Kirsche, um einen köstlichen Geschmack zu erhalten, den Sie sicher lieben werden.
Alle unsere Holzspäne werden gründlich getrocknet und von der bitteren Baumrinde befreit, um sicherzustellen, dass Sie den maximalen Rauch aus 100 % natürlichem Holz erhalten. Die Holzspäne werden präzise gemahlen, um eine gleichmäßige, gleichmäßige Verbrennung zu gewährleisten. Alle Taschen haben ein Gewicht von 1,75 LB (794 g), 242 cu.in. und 3,96 l.
Organic coconut flour is made from gently dried and de-oiled organic coconuts from controlled organic cultivation. It is produced exclusively on the basis of 100% natural coconut meat. The flour is an fine, white to cream-colored powder with an aromatic coconut flavor and a pleasant scent of coconut. Coconut flour is excellent for baking. Up to 20% of the amount of flour specified in the recipe can be replaced by coconut flour. To meet the daily need for fiber, the fine coconut flour is also suitable as an addition.
This product is a controlled organic food according to DE-ÖKO-006.
Отличава се със своите хранителни качества, сред който протеини и фибри, които са в пъти по-високи от тези на пшеницата.
-действа благоприятно на храносмилането
Подходящо за:
- приготвяне на различни печива
Лесно за обработка, има добри вкусови качества. За разлика от пшеницата, спелтата съдържа 2 пъти повече белтъчини и цинк, както и множество витамини, има по-ниски нива на глутен и е приятно на вкус. Ползи на спелтата - улеснява храносмилането, контролира нивата на холестерола, подобрява кръвообращението, подобрява здравето на костите, повишава имунитета, контролира диабета
The composition of buckwheat flour is rich in useful macroelements and microelements. Buckwheat flour also contains a lot of vitamins such as E, C, PP and B vitamins.
Color: Brown:Package: Paper bags
Hemp seed flour is hemp seed cake (the by-product of cold pressing after obtaining hemp seed oil) milled and sieved through various screens, resulting in a final product with high protein concentration.
Pea flour is often used in baking bread and tortillas, making pasta, as well as some pastries such as donuts and cookies. It is enough to add only 1020% of pea flour to wheat flour, and these dishes will acquire a unique pea aroma and become a little healthier. Peas are rich in vitamins C, B and PP, as well as minerals such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus and zinc. Milling on stone millstones allows you to preserve the balanced natural composition of the grain, which makes it possible to achieve a decrease in the glycemic index.
Weight:400 g
Unser SUNGRANO Weizenmehl steht für höchste Qualität und erfüllt alle europäischen Standards. Insgesamt stehen vier Sorten zur Verfügung, mit denen zahlreiche Anwendungsbereiche abgedeckt werden können. SUNGRANO Weizenmehl ist ein hochwertiger Ballaststofflieferant aus nachhaltig ökologischer Produktion.
Maße: 155 x 120 x 65 mm
Dichte: 0,9–1 kg / dm³
Heizwert: ca. – 4,8 (5,2) kWh / kg
Aschegehalt: – max. 1 %
10 kg / Verpackung (12 Stk.)
96 Verpackungen / Palette
Holzart: Nadelholz
Länge: 155 mm
Breite: 120 mm
Höhe: 65 mm
There are numerous types and kinds of flour on the market. Depending on your needs, we will manufacture such packaging that will meet your needs. We recommend semi-transparent packaging which enables to display a product, or fully printed one with a layer protecting against sunlight.
La harina de soja es el subproducto de la extracción del aceite de soja. Existen varios procesos, que dan como resultado diferentes productos. La harina de soya generalmente se clasifica para su comercialización por su contenido de proteína cruda. Los tipos ricos en proteína se obtienen de semillas descascaradas y contienen 47-49 % de proteína y 3 % de fibra cruda (en base al alimento).
Notre farine de chanvre est issue de graines de chanvre dite aussi chènevis est issue de culture de Cannabis en teneur extrêmement faible en THC (<0,2%) conformément à la législation. Très riche en fibres 40% et en protéines 33%. Obtenue avec notre moulin à partir du tourteau issu du pressage des graines pour la fabrication de l'huile de chanvre.
Farinhas de cogumelos
O nosso processo de fabricação da farinha de cogumelo Aromas e Boletos consiste em reduzir a pó o cogumelo depois de desidratado, sem adição de qualquer amido ou outro ingrediente.
Sugestões: a nossa farinha de cogumelo pode ser adicionada na confecção de qualquer prato, como sopas, molhos, pão, massas, queijo, bolachas, sobremesas, entre outras.
Boletus edulis;
Agaricus blazei.
Composição nutricional por cada 100 g.
Gorduras - 1,3 %
Carboidratos - 78%
Fibras - 14%
Proteinas - 15%
A Turbo Yeast based on a wine strain, designed for use with fruit for making fruit schnapps or brandies. Fruit Turbo Yeast contains a complete nutrient complex to ensure reliable and complete fermentation, regardless of the nutritional content of the fruit.
The active dried wine yeast strain in this Turbo Yeast is ethanol tolerant up to 18% ABV and is capable of fermenting across the wide temperature range of 10—35OC (note that ethanol tolerance is reduced at high temperatures). This strain is also tolerant to difficult fermentation conditions, has high SO2 tolerance, produces low volatile acidity and is low foaming.
Découvrez notre magnifique cire d'abeille blanche 100% naturelle, spécialement conçue pour créer des bougies d'une qualité exceptionnelle. Notre cire d'abeille est soigneusement récoltée auprès d'apiculteurs respectueux de l'environnement, qui travaillent en harmonie avec les abeilles.
Sachet craft de 50gr.
La poudre pour aspirateur assainit, purifie et parfume votre interieur de son agreable senteur adoucissant.
Elle est fabriquee sans conservateur, ni colorant et sans produits chimiques.
La poudre parfumee est composee de bicarbonate de soude et de fragrance de Grasse.
Verser une a deux cuilleres a cafe directement sur le sol et aspirer. Recommencer a chaque fois que vous le vider.
Vous pouvez aussi deposer un peu de poudre sur vos tapis en laissant agir 10/15 min avant d’aspirer.
Vous pouvez aussi en placer dans une coupelle pour parfumer votre interieur.
Type 750 wheat flour is obtained from Bieszczady farms, which have an ecological certificate. This is one of the most popular types of flour that is obtained from ground wheat grain. Wheat, thanks to the content of protein (gluten), gives baking elasticity and makes them crumble less. & Nbsp; <strong> composition: </strong> wheat & nbsp ; <strong> Nutritional value in 100g </strong> Energy value 1450KJ/342kcal - 17%RWS*fat 1.8g - 2.6%including saturated fatty acids 0.7g - 3.5%carbohydrates 68g - 26%in with sugars 0.5g - 0.6%fiber 2.9GBIAL 12G - 24%salt 0.01g - 0.2%*reference food value & nbsp; <strong> use </strong> wheat flour type 750 is perfect for baking bread and all salty and sweet pastries. Ideal for pancakes, waffles or as a thickener of soups and sauces. & Nbsp; <strong> Notes </strong> Store in a dry and cool place in a tightly closed packaging.
Wiórki kokosowe otrzymuje się z miąższu orzecha palmy kokosowej, który najpierw się suszy, a później ściera na drobne wiórki. Miąższ jest bogaty w składniki odżywcze takie jak witaminy: C, E, K oraz z grupy B, minerały: cynk, fosfor, magnez, sód, potas, wapń i żelazo. Kokos i jego pochodne (wiórki, chipsy kokosowe, olej kokosowy) zawierają nasycone kwasy tłuszczowe. Kwasy tłuszczowe nasycone pochodzenia zwierzęcego powinny być ograniczane w codziennej diecie, jednak te pochodzące z kokosa są zbudowane ze znacznie mniejszych cząsteczek i przekształcane bezpośrednio na energię bez odkładania się w organizmie w postaci tłuszczu.Wiórki kokosowe zawierają ogromne zasoby błonnika, który jest niezbędny do prawidłowego funkcjonowania układu pokarmowego. Znajdziemy tam również niewielkie ilości białka i elektrolity, pozwalające na utrzymanie równowagi kwasowo-zasadowej organizmu.<strong>Skład:</strong> wiórki kokosowe <strong>Wartość odżywcza w 100g</strong>Wartość energetyczna 2695kJ/655k
Coconut flakes are obtained from the flesh of the coconut palm walnut, which first dries, and then rubs into small chips. The pulp is rich in nutrients such as vitamins: C, E, K and group B, minerals: zinc, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, potassium, calcium and iron. Coconut and its derivatives (chips, coconut chips, coconut oil) contain saturated fatty acids. Saturated animal fatty acids should be limited in the daily diet, but those derived from coconut are made of much smaller molecules and transformed directly into energy without accumulating in the body in the form of fat. Coconut wires contain huge fiber resources, which is necessary for proper functioning digestive system. There you will also find small amounts of protein and electrolyte, allowing the body's acid -base balance. <strong> Composition: </strong> Coconut flakes & nbsp; <strong> Nutritional value in 100g </strong> Energy value 2695KJ/655kcal - 33% RWS *63g fat - 90%Including saturated fatty acids 53g - 265%carbohydrat
The organic soy flour is obtained from roasted soybeans from organic farming. The light-colored soy flour is naturally lactose-free and has a very high fiber content. The high protein content makes soy flour also popular in vegan cuisine. As an egg substitute, mix 2 tablespoons of water with 1 tablespoon of organic soy flour. This makes vegan cakes successful, as long as it is not a recipe with a especially high egg content. When baking, about 20% of the cereal flour specified in the recipe can be replaced by the organic soy flour.
This product is a controlled organic food according to DE-ÖKO-006.
Chia flour is an uncommon but excellent choice for bakery goods or dishes which don’t undergo heat treatment. This flour is distinguished by a large amount of nutrients and minerals. This product is gluten free. Gluten free is tested at every stage of production. The Garnets company was the first in Russia to receive the right to label its products with the “Crossed Ear” a sign of the safety of glutenfree products recognized in most developed countries.
Weight:70 g
Dishes made from rye flour are lower in calories than those made from wheat. Even people following various weight loss diets can use rye flour for baking. Not only traditional black bread can be baked from rye flour. This flour also serves as a base for many delicious and healthy baked goods, such as flat cakes, muffins, gingerbread, biscuits and cookies. Rye flour contains vitamins of group B, PP, as well as vitamin E a source of youth and beauty. Milling with stones allows us to preserve the natural balanced composition of grains, which makes it possible to lower a glycemic index an important indicator for those who care about their health.
Weight:400 g